Marley Murphy

Hi! I’m Marley: ACE-Certified Personal Trainer, circus artist, and mom to a wonderful kiddo. 

I love fitness because it is empowering! As a personal trainer, it is my joy and mission to help others discover their strength and build a genuine love of movement. Exercise can be challenging, but it shouldn’t suck. Let’s play out while we work out!

My love of movement comes from a childhood of gymnastics. As a kid, I was always moving. Exercise was natural. I trusted my body and didn’t think much about it at all.

Growing up, I slowly and unconsciously slipped into a sedentary lifestyle. Right out of high school, I started a full-time desk job and sat through night classes in the evenings. I quickly packed on weight and felt uncomfortable just existing in my body. My energy level and well-being suffered and my motivation to move disappeared. Instead of addressing this change, I poured myself into my work and my relationships and put my Self on the back burner. Years passed, I had a beautiful child, and my habits only got worse. My story is common, but I felt alone and hopeless all the while. 

My turning point came when my daughter was six months old and discovering food. I felt her little eyes staring a hole through me whenever I stepped foot into the kitchen - like a spotlight following my every move. I knew what I should be doing, so I became determined to make better decisions and be a good role model for her. That is still my mission to this day. 

My daughter is my “why,” the reason that I restructured my health habits and released over seventy pounds of extra weight in the last five years. More importantly, we make healthy, active choices together, and it brings more value to my life than I could’ve imagined. 

If you’re ready to slide from the back burner to the driver seat of your own fitness journey- I can’t wait to hear from you! Let’s turn your “why” into a “how.” Today is the best day to start. 


Marley is available by appointment for personal training in person or virtually.

Contact Alison at to see if working with Marley is a good fit for you.