BJ Tilos

Brenda-Jane also known as BJ to friends first started coaching health & fitness after finding success with Beachbody’s online programs. In less than one year, she transformed her body and her life through consistent daily practices, while still enjoying a few of life’s indulgences. This made her journey different from most because she learned that she didn’t have to trade in birthday dinners with friends, happy hours, vacations, & more for health & fitness. This is what Brenda-Jane wants to share with you.

When BJ first started her group fitness journey, she would jump at any opportunity to bring people together to sweat and connect. From leading sweat sessions in the basement of an Oakland restaurant, to being recruited by Mickey Lopez to lead MMA – inspired HIIT classes at Sobekick, BJ was determined to share her mission of vitality and balance.

Since then, she has evolved to motivating and coaching people, online and in-person, through group and personal training, and using fitness for philanthropic events.

She has had many pursuits in life but the through line is she is always at her best when she is empowering others.


Personal Training by Appointment